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The results of your search for "Fresh Brewed Coffee":

Fresh Brewed Coffee
Votive Candles
2 oz. votive candle, brown colour with the scent of freshly brewed coffee.

Fresh Brewed Coffee
4 oz. Jar Candles
4 oz. jar candle is dark brown and smells of freshly brewed coffee.

Cafe Au Lait
8 oz. Jar Candles
8 oz. jar candle, brown and white swirled wax with the scent of fresh brewed coffee with warm vanilla undertones.

Fresh Peach
Votive Candles
Juicy, fresh peachy goodness.

Fresh Orange
Votive Candles
Smells like fresh squeezed oranges.

Goat's Milk Fresh Citrus
Goat's milk soap infused with the scents of fresh orange and grapefruit. Embedded with dried lemon and orange peel granules. Invigorating!

Fresh Cut Grass
16 oz. Jar Candles
Is someone mowing the lawn? Sure smells like it!

Votive Candles
Delicious fresh banana scent.

16 oz. Jar - Manipura (Solar Plexus Chakra) Candle
Metaphysical Collection
This Reiki-Infused candle is intended to heal the 3rd chakra utilizing colour therapy, aromatherapy, gemstone healing and light therapy. Topped with yellow citrine gemstones and scented with fresh ginger, grapefruit, and bergamot.

8 oz. Jar - Manipura (Solar Plexus Chakra) Candle
Metaphysical Collection
This Reiki-Infused candle is intended to heal the 3rd chakra utilizing colour therapy, aromatherapy, gemstone healing and light therapy. Topped with yellow citrine gemstones and scented with fresh ginger, grapefruit, and bergamot.

16 oz. Jar - Fertility Spell Candle
Metaphysical Collection
This candle is intended to increase fertility using the colour orange and scented with fresh orange, grapefruit, lavender, sandalwood, jasmine, and chamomile. It is topped with rainbow moonstone, rose quartz, jade, and carnelian gemstones.

8 oz. Jar - Fertility Spell Candle
Metaphysical Collection
This candle is intended to increase fertility using the colour orange and scented with fresh orange, grapefruit, lavender, sandalwood, jasmine, and chamomile. It is topped with rainbow moonstone, rose quartz, jade, and carnelian gemstones.

8 oz. Jar Candles
The scent of warm cornbread fresh from the oven.

Juicy Watermelon
Votive Candles
Sour watermelon candy intermingled with fresh pink watermelon creates this delicious aroma.

Sugar Cookie
Votive Candles
2 oz. votive candle, light tan colour with the scent of freshly baked sugar cookies.

Juicy Watermelon
8 oz. Jar Candles
Sour watermelon candy intermingled with fresh pink watermelon creates this delicious aroma.

8 oz. Jar Candles
8 oz. jar candle, light blue-green colour with the scent of freshly minted dollar bills.

Sugar Cookie Brulee
8 oz. Jar Candles
8 oz. jar candle, light tan colour with the scent of fresh-baked sugar cookies.

Cider 'n Donuts
8 oz. Jar Candles
8 oz. jar candle with reddish brown wax with the fragrance of fresh apple cider and cinnamon donuts.

Cider 'n Donuts
4 oz. Jar Candles
4 oz. jar candle in reddish brown with the fragrance of fresh apple cider and cinnamon donuts.

8 oz. Jar - Love Spell Candle
Metaphysical Collection
This pink candle is infused with rose quartz crystals and the scent of fresh rose petals to help bring romance into your life.

16 oz. Jar - Love Spell Candle
Metaphysical Collection
This pink candle is infused with rose quartz crystals and the scent of fresh rose petals to help bring romance into your life.

Christmas Cookie
8 oz. Jar Candles
8 oz. jar candle with a mixture of red, green and white wax containing the fragrance of fresh baked Christmas Cookies.

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